
The Art of
Matthew A. McLellan
  • Civil Rights
  • Me
  • Stay Curious
  • Violet Orange Blossom
  • A FLower in Iowa

Channeling color

The Divine seeps through with an idea that drives the painting. Often, I have no idea what I’m embarking on. If I listen and remain humble, I can follow the accidents and create something of worth. My art is often abstract, but also representational and sculptural. The goal of my work is to provide a feeling or emotion, a thought, an insight. To be a voice and not an echo.


About the artist

"To provide a feeling or emotion, a thought, an insight are all goals of my work."


My Work

My art, this site, my sobriety are all dedicated to those who never gave up on me. As my vigilant high school American Literature teacher John O’Dougherty taught me: “Show me your work and I will know you.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson


Contact Me

11808 Elk Head Range Rd.
Littleton, CO 80127

Phone: (612) 655-5550

Facebook: Matthew A McLellan

Email: contact@matthewamclellan.com

Artist Statement

The Divine seeps through with an idea that drives the painting. Often I have no idea what I’m embarking on, but if I listen and remain humble I can follow the accidents and create something of worth. My art is often abstract, but also representational and sculptural.

Influences from other artists are many, but I tend to relate most to the one’s that take the biggest leaps. Many prepared to amount to nothing in their lifetimes. Their world perhaps seen through an unknown lens. Van Gogh, Pollack, Motherwell, Frankenthaler, Richter, Ernst, Helmick, Gomez, Rothko… Some with mental illness managed to get to work. I know what that is. The genius they all have honed has led them on their journey, leaving the world’s glass half full. To be a voice and not an echo is what I admire.

To provide a feeling or emotion, a thought, an insight are all goals of my work. Much of the work and materials come from what I’ve learned spending many decades in the trades. I even use paint. My frames are made by me or are sometimes purchased from a thrift store and reworked to fit the piece.

I am also a poet and writer. Most paintings have accompanying prose. Some are included. A full book is complete and forthcoming. Now in my 50’s I have the privilege to produce a web site with great assistance. This is my time and everyone else’s. Recovering from and dealing with addiction and mental illness has motivated my art. It provided self-worth when all else was gone. It gave me a reason to live as did the deep love of my three children. Perhaps I might help others as my path is revealed.

My work, this site, my sobriety are all dedicated to those who never gave up on me. As my vigilant high school American Literature teacher John O’Dougherty taught me: “Show me your work and I will know you.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

An Artist Credo

An artist now you are.
Just get started.
Must work to make the world a more beautiful place.
So short the life, the craft so long to learn.
Easy to do,
Hard to do well.
Impossible to do great, almost.
An open mind will bring ideas of colors or
Words, shapes and everythings from humble vistas.
Leave dollar bills laying on the sidewalk,
For someone behind you walking that needs it more.
Listen to the children.
Be a voice not an echo.
Dress fashionable.
Talk liberally,
Think radically and mind your manners.
Help others.
Please and thank yous are a must.
This is your time and everyone else’s.
Better than no one, nor worse.
Stay on the ground and sober.
Dream without anchors.
Get enough sleep, don’t eat too fast.
Pause and reflect.
Think free, work hard and
Don’t dishonor the craft.

Winter Rain Detail

Drop Me a Line